This tutorial presupposes having
read the general
introduction to POSSA
. Here, that introduction is
extended for cases of multiple hypotheses, i.e., where each analysis (at
a given “look”) involves multiple significance tests, and hence multiple
p values.
To verify that such relatively more complex used-defined functions
were written correctly, it is useful to store some descriptive data,
such as the means and SDs of the variables, or correlations, effect
sizes, etc. Relatedly, in real cases, one should ideally test a variety of possible
scenarios: for this, POSSA
provides the possibility to
easily run multiple simulations with varying factors (e.g., varying
correlations, effect sizes, etc.).
Hence, recording descriptives and using varying factors will be
explained here first, after which testing for multiple hypotheses is
presented. This completes (together with the intro)
everything important that needs to be known for using
Let’s take again a t-test. The sample generating function is like before.
customSample = function(sampleSize) {
sample1 = rnorm(sampleSize, mean = 0, sd = 10),
sample2_h0 = rnorm(sampleSize, mean = 0, sd = 10),
sample2_h1 = rnorm(sampleSize, mean = 5, sd = 10)
However, the test function will return, apart from the p values, some
additional information. For a simple example, let’s calculate the mean
difference in case of both H0 and H1, and store it as
and meanDiffH1
(but any other
custom name could just as well be given – except for the notation
reserved for p values, i.e., starting with p_
and ending
with _h0
customTestWithMeans = function(sample1, sample2_h0, sample2_h1) {
p_h0 = t.test(sample1, sample2_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_h1 = t.test(sample1, sample2_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
meanDiffH0 = mean(sample1 - sample2_h0),
meanDiffH1 = mean(sample1 - sample2_h1)
See that it’s working:, customSample(85))
#> p_h0 p_h1 meanDiffH0 meanDiffH1
#> 0.9183725344 0.0004780636 1.9903810509 -4.8632942335
Now the simulation as before.
dfPvalsAndMeans = sim(fun_obs = customSample,
n_obs = c(27, 54, 81),
fun_test = customTestWithMeans)
The power calculation could be accessed as before via
, e.g. pow(dfPvalsAndMeans)
, and the
results will be the same – but that’s not important here.
What’s important is that the dfPvalsAndMeans
can be
printed, and the factors will be automatically shown.
#> POSSA sim() results (p values)
#> Sample:
#> .iter .look .n_total sample1 sample2_h p_h0 p_h1 meanDiffH0 meanDiffH1
#> 1: 1 1 54 27 27 0.57639929 0.0206001019 0.5229246 -5.886524
#> 2: 1 2 108 54 54 0.02521739 0.0001540393 -3.9918067 -6.850594
#> 3: 1 3 162 81 81 0.04303389 0.0000339881 -2.7414472 -6.031900
#> Descriptives:
#> meanDiffH0:
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> -11.208494 -1.331260 0.003347 0.006194 1.346132 12.649740
#> meanDiffH1:
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> -15.704 -6.350 -5.006 -5.005 -3.656 5.699
Note that entering a variable name, in this case
, in the console (or, in RStudio,
highlighting it and pressing Ctrl+Enter) is equivalent
to using the print()
As can be seen, summary information for the additional values
returned from the testing function is automatically printed (under a
“Descriptives” title). When only p values are included, no such
information is printed. For some optional arguments, such as to change
the function used for summary information, see
. Some examples are also given
print(dfPvalsAndMeans, descr_cols = 'meanDiffH0')
print(dfPvalsAndMeans, descr_cols = c('meanDiffH0', '.n_total'))
print(dfPvalsAndMeans, descr_func = sd)
print(dfPvalsAndMeans, group_by = '.look')
Of course, one can also just check the data frame directly via other
functions, including plots. For example,
neatStats::peek_neat(dfPvalsAndMeans, c("meanDiffH0", "meanDiffH1"), group_by = c('.look'))
To get some additional information from each mean comparison, here is an extended “t-test” function that returns, apart from the p value, the mean difference, correlation, and the standardized mean difference (SMD; Cohen’s d).
tTestPlus = function(x, y) {
t_info = stats::t.test(x, y, paired = TRUE, var.equal = T)
sdx = sd(x)
sdy = sd(y)
corr = cor(x, y)
sd_p = sqrt((sdx ** 2 + sdy ** 2) - 2 * corr * sdx * sdy)
pval = t_info$p.value,
mean_diff = as.numeric(t_info$estimate),
corr = corr,
smd = as.numeric(t_info$estimate) / sd_p
Now, the function for sample generation. What’s new here is that,
apart from the sample size (here: sampSize
), there are two
additional parameters, meanH1
and corrH1
which specify the mean difference and the correlation, respectively, for
the differing variable in case of H1.
sampFun = function(sampSize, meanH1, corrH1) {
correlatedSamples = faux::rnorm_multi(
n = sampSize,
vars = 3,
mu = c(0, 0, meanH1),
sd = 5,
r = c(corrH1, corrH1, 0)
GRP_v1 = correlatedSamples$X1,
GRP_v2_h0 = correlatedSamples$X2,
GRP_v2_h1 = correlatedSamples$X3
And then the test function that return related additional information (using the extra t-test function): the mean differences, correlations, and SMDs, per H0 and H1.
testFun = function(GRP_v1, GRP_v2_h0, GRP_v2_h1) {
t0 = tTestPlus(GRP_v2_h0, GRP_v1)
t1 = tTestPlus(GRP_v2_h1, GRP_v1)
p_h0 = t0$pval,
meanDiffValueH0 = t0$mean_diff,
corrValueH0 = t0$corr,
smdValueH0 = t0$smd,
p_h1 = t1$pval,
meanDiffValueH1 = t1$mean_diff,
corrValueH1 = t1$corr,
smdValueH1 = t1$smd
(Check via, sampFun(30, 2, 0.5))
The sim()
function works the same as before, except that
the varying factors meanH1
and corrH1
parameters in sampFun
) need to be provided as part of
: instead of assigning a function as
e.g. fun_obs = sampFun
, a list is needed where the first
element is the function (sampFun
), and the rest of the
elements specify the varying factor via their names and their
corresponding values in a vector.
Hence, if one intends to see, for instance, all the combinations of
mean differences of 1.5
, 2.5
, and correlations of 0
, this can be specified as
fun_obs = list(sampFun, meanH1 = c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5), corrH1 = c(0, 0.5))
(Given 2x3 = 6 combinations, each with the default 45000 iterations,
this simulation would take a while – for quick testing, one can set
e.g. n_iter = 500
dfPvalsFacts = sim(
fun_obs = list(
meanH1 = c(1.5, 2.5, 3.5),
corrH1 = c(0, 0.5)
n_obs = c(27, 54, 81),
fun_test = testFun,
n_iter = 500
Now, simply by printing dfPvalsFacts
, one can check the
means, correlations, and SMDs, for each factor combination, to make sure
everything is as intended; it’s also reassuring to see that each look
has similar values (e.g., correlations) for each combination;
print(dfPvalsFacts, group_by = c('.look', 'corrH1'), descr_cols = 'corrValueH1')
Or, again, some plots can give quick insight:
neatStats::peek_neat(dfPvalsFacts, c("corrValueH0", "corrValueH1"), group_by = c('corrH1', '.look'))
neatStats::peek_neat(dfPvalsFacts, c("smdValueH1"), group_by = c('meanH1', 'corrH1'))
Finally, POSSA::pow
will calculate power for each factor
combination separately – otherwise behaving just the same as when no
varying factors are given.
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> GROUP: pow_1.5_0
#> N(average-total) = 81.0 (if H0 true) or 81.0 (if H1 true)
#> (p) Type I error: .10000; Power: .43000
#> Local alphas: (1) none; (2) none; (3) .05000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .10000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .43000
#> GROUP: pow_1.5_0.5
#> N(average-total) = 81.0 (if H0 true) or 81.0 (if H1 true)
#> (p) Type I error: .07000; Power: .80000
#> Local alphas: (1) none; (2) none; (3) .05000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .07000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .80000
#> GROUP: pow_2.5_0
#> N(average-total) = 81.0 (if H0 true) or 81.0 (if H1 true)
#> (p) Type I error: .03000; Power: .84000
#> Local alphas: (1) none; (2) none; (3) .05000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .03000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .84000
#> ...
(For brevity here, only the three first combinations are printed.)
To check any one or subset of the factor combinations, the
data frame can be subset, as, for instance,
pow(dfPvalsFacts[dfPvalsFacts$meanH1 == 1.5 & dfPvalsFacts$corrH1 == 0,])
Alternatively, any of the data frames contained in the list returned
by pow()
can be printed separately. E.g.,
all_pow_data = pow(dfPvalsFacts)
; then
It is possible to perform tests for multiple hypotheses where each
test’s sample is independent from all the other tests’ samples, and this
is possible to do with POSSA
too. However, the outcome is
fairly straightforward in such cases: each test will have its own power
and T1ER independently from the rest, and these can be rather easily
combined into some total power or T1ER values as needed. What is more
interesting is how correlated samples’ testing affect the global
outcomes (e.g., the likelihood that any of the tests give a false
positive finding). Hence, the focus here is on correlated samples.
Nonetheless, by removing the grp_
notation (see below),
independent tests can just as well be used in POSSA
Now, the GRP
notation served to designate a single group
within the entire analysis. This could have any additions in the name,
such as GRP_x
, etc., it makes no
difference. The lowercase grp_
notation on the other hand
will designate variables that belong to one of several groups, each of
which requires a specific group name following this grp_
prefix. For instance, to designate a group “1
”, the
variable name can be any of the following: grp_1
, grp_1_YZ
. To designate a group
”, the variable name can be any of the following:
, grp_green_y
. In other words, the name must be separated by
underscores, and the first element must be grp
, and the
second element the group name, which allows all group members to be
categorized together.
Let’s say we have two independent groups, and we want to compare two
different variables (A
and B
), that we suspect
will be correlated within each group. For simplicity, let’s say that in
each case, the baseline has a mean of zero, and the SESOI is a mean
difference of 5
units. Since the baseline is identical in
either case, here it’s enough to assign it to one variable. To simulate
the correlation of the two variables in the other group, which is
expected to change (in case of H1), two pairs of correlated variables
have to be generated, one pair for H0, and one pair for H1.
multiSample = function(sampSize) {
corr_vars_h0 = faux::rnorm_multi(
n = sampSize,
vars = 2,
mu = 0,
sd = 10,
r = 0.6
corr_vars_h1 = faux::rnorm_multi(
n = sampSize,
vars = 2,
mu = 5,
sd = 10,
r = 0.6
v1 = rnorm(sampSize, mean = 0, sd = 10)
grp_1_myTest_base = v1,
grp_2_myTestA_h0 = corr_vars_h0$X1,
grp_2_myTestA_h1 = corr_vars_h1$X1,
grp_2_myTestB_h0 = corr_vars_h0$X2,
grp_2_myTestB_h1 = corr_vars_h1$X2
The myTest
parts of the names could each be named differently, everything would
work just the same.
The test function is then straightforward. (The p values do not have
to have the same mid-part names as the sample names,
e.g. myTestA
here, but it does help
multiTest = function(grp_1_myTest_base,
grp_2_myTestB_h1) {
p_myTestA_h0 = t.test(grp_1_myTest_base, grp_2_myTestA_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_myTestA_h1 = t.test(grp_1_myTest_base, grp_2_myTestA_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_myTestB_h0 = t.test(grp_1_myTest_base, grp_2_myTestB_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_myTestB_h1 = t.test(grp_1_myTest_base, grp_2_myTestB_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value
The sim
and pow
functions also essentially
work the same; only pow
will return separate results for
each test (each p value), as well as a “combined” result. This combined
result, by default, uses the any
option, meaning that, in
each set of analysis (performing the two t-tests), if any (in
this case: either) of the t-tests is significant (i.e., p value below
the specified alpha), this will be counted as a global “combined”
significant finding. Hence, for instance, in case of a single look
(fixed design), if either (or both) of the t-tests gives a significant
result in case of H0, the result of that analysis is counted as a type 1
error, increasing the combined T1ER. Similarly, either test’s
significance in case of H1 will mean that the analysis set is counted as
a correct finding, increasing combined power. (Hardly needs saying, the
combined T1ER and power greatly depends on the strength of the
correlation; e.g. here the rather high correlation lowers both.)
dfPvalsMulti = sim(
fun_obs = multiSample,
n_obs = c(27, 54, 81),
fun_test = multiTest
#> Note: Observation numbers groupped as "grp_1" for grp_1_myTest_base.
#> Note: Observation numbers groupped as "grp_2" for grp_2_myTestA_h0, grp_2_myTestA_h1, grp_2_myTestB_h0, grp_2_myTestB_h1.
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> N(average-total) = 162.0 (if H0 true) or 162.0 (if H1 true)
#> (p_myTestA) Type I error: .05122; Power: .93807
#> Local alphas: (1) none; (2) none; (3) .05000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .05122
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .93807
#> (p_myTestB) Type I error: .05056; Power: .93556
#> Local alphas: (1) none; (2) none; (3) .05000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .05056
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .93556
#> Global ("combined significance") type I error: .07604 (included: p_myTestA, p_myTestB; power for reaching the "combined significance": .96751)
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H0 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .07604
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H1 true: (1) 0; (2) 0; (3) .96751
The method for combined results can be changed via
. For instance,
pow(dfPvalsMulti, multi_logic_global = 'all')
lowers both
global combined T1ER and power, because each evaluation is based on all
(here: both) tests being significant to count the set of analysis (two
t-tests) as a significant finding.
In case of a sequential design, the stopping logic is in principle
similar to the calculation of combined T1ER and power, although the
default here is all
: data collection is stopped only when
all included tests have significant results (i.e., p value below the
given local alpha).
pow(dfPvalsMulti, alpha_locals = NA)
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> N(average-total) = 160.4 (if H0 true) or 108.1 (if H1 true)
#> (p_myTestA) Type I error: .03773; Power: .89769
#> Local alphas: (1) .02444; (2) .02444; (3) .02444
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .01100; (2) .00802; (3) .01871
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .33047; (2) .33673; (3) .23049
#> (p_myTestB) Type I error: .03767; Power: .89896
#> Local alphas: (1) .02444; (2) .02444; (3) .02444
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .01100; (2) .00802; (3) .01864
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .33047; (2) .33673; (3) .23176
#> Global ("combined significance") type I error: .05000 (included: p_myTestA, p_myTestB; power for reaching the "combined significance": .93847)
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H0 true: (1) .01100; (2) .00802; (3) .03098
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H1 true: (1) .33047; (2) .33673; (3) .27127
The stopping logic can be modified via multi_logic_a
E.g., setting multi_logic_a = 'any'
means that collection
is stopped whenever any of the included tests are significant; hence
stopping is more likely, the average expected observation number will
decrease, and the global combined T1ER and/or power will increase (see
pow(dfPvalsMulti, alpha_locals = NA, multi_logic_a = 'any')
– here, the combined T1ER remains .05
because of the
default adjustment procedure).
So far, alpha_locals
were assigned a single value (or
single vector) that was then applied for each test, which were detected
automatically. However, using a named list, one could also assign a
separate vector to each test – more specifically, to each p value, via
their root name (without the _h0
Here, for instance, the
can be assigned
local alphas as p_myTestB = c(.01,.02,.04)
; see an example
below with different local alphas for p_myTestA
(To clearly show the assigned alpha values in the results, below
adjust = FALSE
is set, as the adjustment procedure would
otherwise multiply the all given local alphas so that the combined T1ER
would be at the specified level.)
alpha_locals = list(
p_myTestA = c(.02, .03, .03),
p_myTestB = c(.005, .02, .04)
adjust = FALSE)
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> N(average-total) = 161.2 (if H0 true) or 117.1 (if H1 true)
#> (p_myTestA) Type I error: .03749; Power: .90891
#> Local alphas: (1) .02000; (2) .03000; (3) .03000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .00302; (2) .00938; (3) .02509
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .18542; (2) .46093; (3) .26256
#> (p_myTestB) Type I error: .04604; Power: .92553
#> Local alphas: (1) .00500; (2) .02000; (3) .04000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .00302; (2) .00938; (3) .03364
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .18542; (2) .46093; (3) .27918
#> Global ("combined significance") type I error: .05958 (included: p_myTestA, p_myTestB; power for reaching the "combined significance": .95367)
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H0 true: (1) .00302; (2) .00938; (3) .04718
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H1 true: (1) .18542; (2) .46093; (3) .30731
If only a subset (here: one) of the tests are indicated in the list, the calculation will include only the selected one(s).
alpha_locals = list(p_myTestA = c(.02, .03, .03)))
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> N(average-total) = 159.1 (if H0 true) or 101.5 (if H1 true)
#> (p_myTestA) Type I error: .05000; Power: .90522
#> Local alphas: (1) .01709; (2) .02563; (3) .02563
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .01769; (2) .01862; (3) .01369
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .37082; (2) .37942; (3) .15498
Setting futility bounds (for interim looks) works just the same.
alpha_locals = list(
p_myTestA = c(.02, .03, .03),
p_myTestB = c(.005, .02, .04)
fut_locals = list(p_myTestA = c(.6, .5),
p_myTestB = c(.8, .4)),
adjust = FALSE
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> N(average-total) = 126.5 (if H0 true) or 116.7 (if H1 true)
#> (p_myTestA) Type I error: .03711; Power: .90796
#> Local alphas: (1) .02000; (2) .03000; (3) .03000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .00302; (2) .00938; (3) .02471
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .18542; (2) .46089; (3) .26164
#> Futility bounds: (1) .60000; (2) .50000
#> Likelihoods of exceeding futility alpha if H0 true: (1) .02727; (2) .18969
#> Likelihoods of exceeding futility alpha if H1 true: (1) .00253; (2) .00189
#> (p_myTestB) Type I error: .04591; Power: .92453
#> Local alphas: (1) .00500; (2) .02000; (3) .04000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .00302; (2) .00938; (3) .03351
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .18542; (2) .46089; (3) .27822
#> Futility bounds: (1) .80000; (2) .40000
#> Likelihoods of exceeding futility alpha if H0 true: (1) .00993; (2) .24111
#> Likelihoods of exceeding futility alpha if H1 true: (1) .00253; (2) .00189
#> Global ("combined significance") type I error: .05911 (included: p_myTestA, p_myTestB; power for reaching the "combined significance": .95231)
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H0 true: (1) .00302; (2) .00938; (3) .04671
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) significance if H1 true: (1) .18542; (2) .46089; (3) .30600
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) futility if H0 true: (1) .17609; (2) .28896
#> Likelihoods of stopping for (combined) futility if H1 true: (1) .00253; (2) .00189
Prevent any of the local alphas of any of the included tests to stop
the data collection, it can be set to zero (0
; so that it’s
never significant – similarly, again, futility bounds can be set to
to avoid stopping for futility at any look, for any given
test). However, one might want to know the power and T1ER for a test
that has no “stopping” alphas: for instance, there may be a
secondary/supplementary test at whose significant finding one does not
intend to stop data collection, but at the same time one would like to
know its power and T1ER – which depend on the other included tests’
stopping alphas (and the correlations between the variables, if
Such “non-stopping” local alphas can be specified for any of the
included tests (p values) via the alpha_loc_nonstop
parameter. This parameter works the same way as
, except that they never stop data collection,
regardless of whatever p value they have at any given look. They also do
not count towards the “combined” power or T1ER. Hence, the results of
each test with such non-stopping local alphas are reported stand-alone,
unrelated to the rest of the results.
alpha_locals = list(p_myTestA = c(.005, .01, .025)),
alpha_loc_nonstop = list(p_myTestB = c(.01, .01, .02))
#> # POSSA pow() results #
#> N(average-total) = 160.4 (if H0 true) or 111.2 (if H1 true)
#> (p_myTestA) Type I error: .04993; Power: .92713
#> Local alphas: (1) .00797; (2) .01595; (3) .03987
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .00858; (2) .01291; (3) .02844
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .26496; (2) .41029; (3) .25189
#> (non-stopper: p_myTestB) Type I error: .02256; Power: .72098
#> Local alphas (secondary): (1) .01000; (2) .01000; (3) .02000
#> Likelihoods of significance if H0 true: (1) .00318; (2) .00411; (3) .01527
#> Likelihoods of significance if H1 true: (1) .19242; (2) .30551; (3) .22304
(Here, there is no combined power/T1ER, since there is only one test with stopping alphas.)
Different observation numbers for each group may be specified via the
group names (analogously to specifying
observation numbers per each sample). To be able to specify the two
group’s observation numbers separately, we need separate parameters for
each, in the sample generation function, each using the
notation; here grp_1
Unrelatedly, for the sake of an extended example, here there will be,
instead of two, three tests included (denoted here as X
, Z
multiSampleGroupParam = function(grp_1, grp_2) {
corrVarsH0 = faux::rnorm_multi(
n = grp_2,
vars = 3,
mu = 0,
sd = 10,
r = c(0, 0.4, 0.8)
corrVarsH1 = faux::rnorm_multi(
n = grp_2,
vars = 3,
mu = 4,
sd = 10,
r = c(0, 0.4, 0.8)
v1 = rnorm(grp_1, mean = 0, sd = 10)
grp_1_test_base = v1,
grp_2_testX_h0 = corrVarsH0$X1, # correlates with X3 (.4)
grp_2_testX_h1 = corrVarsH1$X1,
grp_2_testY_h0 = corrVarsH0$X2, # correlates with X3 (.8)
grp_2_testY_h1 = corrVarsH1$X2,
grp_2_testZ_h0 = corrVarsH0$X3, # correlates with X1 and X3
grp_2_testZ_h1 = corrVarsH1$X3
The test function can then be like this.
multiTest3 = function(grp_1_test_base,
grp_2_testZ_h1) {
p_testX_h0 = t.test(grp_1_test_base, grp_2_testX_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_testX_h1 = t.test(grp_1_test_base, grp_2_testX_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_testY_h0 = t.test(grp_1_test_base, grp_2_testY_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_testY_h1 = t.test(grp_1_test_base, grp_2_testY_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_testZ_h0 = t.test(grp_1_test_base, grp_2_testY_h0, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value,
p_testZ_h1 = t.test(grp_1_test_base, grp_2_testY_h1, 'less', var.equal = TRUE)$p.value
(Check via, multiSampleGroupParam(70, 90))
Now the observation numbers can be specified via the group names
and grp_2
, in a list argument for
dfPvalsMultiUnequalGrps = sim(
fun_obs = multiSampleGroupParam,
n_obs = list(grp_1 = c(27, 54, 81),
grp_2 = c(60, 90, 120)),
fun_test = multiTest3
Now the pow
function can be used as before. Here are
some examples (with output omitted here for brevity).
alpha_locals = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05))
# same with different notation
alpha_locals = list(
p_testX = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05),
p_testY = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05),
p_testZ = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05)
# include only two tests in the calculation
alpha_locals = list(
p_testY = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05),
p_testZ = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05)
# include only one
alpha_locals = list(p_testX = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05)))
# include again one but add info for two non-stoppers
alpha_locals = list(p_testY = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05)),
alpha_loc_nonstop = list(
p_testX = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05),
p_testZ = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05)
# same but with different alphas for each
alpha_locals = list(p_testY = c(0.03, 0.04, 0.05)),
alpha_loc_nonstop = list(
p_testX = c(0.03, 0.02, 0.01),
p_testZ = c(0.04, 0.03, 0.0)
# futility bounds for all tests
fut_locals = c(0.6, 0.4))
# futility bounds with "any" logic
fut_locals = c(0.6, 0.4),
multi_logic_fut = 'any'
# futility bounds for one test only
fut_locals = list(p_testY = c(0.6, 0.4)))
# stopping local alphas and futility bounds together, for two tests
alpha_locals = list(
p_testY = c(0, 0.3, 0.5),
p_testZ = c(0, 0.2, 0.5)
fut_locals = list(p_testY = c(0.5, 0.2),
p_testZ = c(0.6, 0.3))